Review: Climax Moonshine

In 2011, the Discovery Channel launched a TV show called Moonshiners which chronicles the lives and crazy happenings of a group of guys making shine in the Appalachian Mountains. While it seems like a terrible idea to let a full-on camera crew film you doing illegal things, these guys managed to make their whiskey and evade the authorities while doing so. Reality TV is amazing.

I had never seen the show, nor heard of its star, Tim Smith, but when I was approached to write about Climax Moonshine I was intrigued.  White whiskey obviously isn’t a daily sipper for me, but it’s something that’s fun to try from time to time as it’s a great way to experience where some of the world’s best whiskey starts. Doing distillery tours and getting to taste white dog fresh off the still is a blast, and the challenge of reviewing a moonshine piqued my interest, so here we are.

Climax isn’t a bourbon white dog, what makes it different is a very small amount of sugar cane that is added to the mash (and potentially the proof at which it comes off the still, but I don’t have that info). While Climax wouldn’t produce a bourbon if given proper aging, it does make for a little more of an interesting sip that just drinking a straight white dog (BT #1, for example). If you want to hear Mr. Smith talk about his whiskey he’s got an entire YouTube channel with him sporting overalls, sans-shirt, and drinking with his friends, check it out for a good time. Alright, now that we’ve got our bases covered on Tim Smith, let’s get to drinking his moonshine!

Disclaimer: This product was provided at no cost to Barrels and Mash with no strings attached.

Company: Prost Beverage Co.

Distillery: Belmont Farms Distillery

Location: Culpeper, Virginia

Mash Bill: Approx. 80% corn/10% rye/10% barely/”very little” sugar cane

Age: Brand spankin’ new

ABV: 45% (90 proof)

Released: Ongoing

Price: $30

Color: Crystal clear

Nose: Bright, sweet corn. The touch of sugar cane comes through augmenting the corn sweetness and giving the aroma almost a rum quality. I don’t get any heat from the rye and from a NEAT glass, there is no ethanol burn.

Taste: The sweet corn is by far the main component to the flavor here, but like the nose that sugar cane adds a different layer of sweetness that is pretty nice. The mouthfeel is thicker than I expected and is somewhat velvety and rich compared to some other white whiskeys I’ve had. There is a very slight cereal note from the rye lurking in the background, but you have to look fairly hard for it.

Finish: The rye finally comes out a little more here as the sweet corn and sugar dominance fades and some spice comes to the front. It’s not much, but it is very welcome and helps bring a bit of complexity to the sip. The finish is long and leaves your mouth coated with a sweetness as the alcohol floats off into space.

Overall: Well, to be completely honest, this stuff surprised me a little bit. I knew this would be a fun review to write, and it was, but I thought it would be due more to the producer and not the product itself. I actually enjoyed drinking this more than I expected. I also decided it would be a fun weekend activity to try the “Climax Ritual” with some friends (that sounds so dirty) and mix this with some sweet tea…in our mouths. Yep. Now, I can’t tell if this means that Tim Smith primarily only uses his own moonshine as a mixer (saving precious mixing glassware too), but it was definitely fun to watch a group of people try this thing out and see the full range of reactions. Some really hated it, and it pleasantly surprised others, results were all over place. It also gave everyone the opportunity to say “Climax” about a million times, which never got old. Check out the gallery below for some images from that night and some great facial expressions as people got their Climax on.

The hardest part is giving Climax Moonshine a rating. My first instinct was to grade it in its own context (and compared with other white whiskeys it would do well), but given Tim Smith adamantly believes that this product and taste profile stands on its own and states that while he loves bourbon “..we’ve distilled the taste profile, we don’t have to put it in a barrel, there’s no need to put it in the barrel” I decided to rate it along side the bourbons on this site. So, I went down the list of our reviews and figured out where this would fit in, and I’m pretty confident that if I had to choose between this and a bottle of Forged Oak , it would be a tough decision, and I would choose any other bourbon on the site over Climax. That being said, If you are looking for a white whiskey to try out, take this one for a spin, it makes for a good time.

Rating: 2/5

90 thoughts on “Review: Climax Moonshine

  1. Just tried your climax moonshine for the very first time. I hate to be so cheesy but, I see what all the fuss is about! Keep on shining!! Mike

  2. I recently bought a bottle of the original and it’s nothing like what you describe, it tastes like cheap Tequila. I was very disappointed.

    1. We thought there was a bit more complexity than a cheap tequila, but if you notice the final score we gave it, we were a bit disappointed too. Thanks for reading, and hopefully your next purchase is a better one!

      1. I just bought Climax moonshine for the first time to put the empty bottle on my wall and it I the most disgusting thing I have ever drank there’s no way that anyway that anyone would ever drink this if it wasn’t for the show!!!! It was a waist of my $30.83 , I would tell my friends to flush it rubbing alcohol tastes better!!!

  3. Awful..too hot..
    Being from Wv..n knowing shine..
    Not good.drank a pint..didn’t feel a thing..
    Gave a bottle TO a friend who love the show…as a retirement gift..
    He gave it back..Lol.disappointed

  4. I tried this and was disappointed with the strong nutty after taste. After watching the show and being really exited to try it I did not like it period!

  5. I’d rather drink rubbing alcohol than Tim Smiths moonshine. I’m no moonshine connoisseur but I’ve had friends moonshine and it did not have the bitter bite that Climax did. Not sure if the stainless steal distilling has something to do with it but that’s my guess. In my opinion he should go back to copper distilling the way Popcorn Sutton originally hoaned this recipe.

    1. What are you talking about? This is Tim’s recipe. Popcorn has NOTHING to do with this. 2nd of all, in VA, Tim used submarine stills made of wood and steel. If you’ve watched the show, you’ve seen them.

      So that strikes both of your recommendations.

      1. Yes and having just opened my first bottle I’m baffled at these comments. Sorry but there is no hint of heads in this like commercial bourbons typically have and cover up with overplayed grain flavors. These guys much have weak palettes to need them overloaded like that or maybe they sampled earlier bottles that weren’t dialed in. It wouldn’t surprise me since he jumped from distillery to distillery early on with unfamiliar equipment.

        Honestly, this is smooth, absolutely no indication of any heads. Only in a few high grade vodkas have I found this property in the past but this has a bonus in the sweet scent of corn that takes me back to corn country where I grew up and the rye is perfect. Actually the text of the review was mostly spot on until he started acting like bourbons are some magical wonderland. Other moonshine I’ve had reminds me of everclear, not just hot but actually tastes like shit. This is one of the few whiskies I’ve had that I could legitimately drink in large gulps without discomfort. It really is that smooth. The only negative of the whole experience was a crooked label application and honestly, who gives a shit?

        I also sampled Jim Tom’s rye whiskey side by side and it is also fantastically smooth but maybe has a bit more of the grain complexity these guys seem to want.

        Whisky is no different than food. I’ve rarely encountered a bourbon in which that complexity could be enjoyed by the time you got past the burn of their continual distillation heads being mixed in. But if I had then just like actual food, if you have more than 2-4 major flavor elements you are just making a flavor noise that looses everything but the salt (or in this case the burn). Unless of course you want to the Makers route and load it up with overpowering cover flavors… I enjoyed that flavor until fell asleep with some remaining in a glass and saw what it turns into. I have no idea what that crap that seperates is but it certain isn’t a component of something a person should drink. Reminds me of a slim jim left out in the sun.

      2. I totally agree with you. Love the folks that want to talk trash and have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.

  6. Before the ‘Moonshiners” show started there were very few clear corn whiskey products(moonshine) available for purchase and there is a major reason why, it doesn’t taste good at ALL! It fulfills its original purpose to be a product that you don’t have to wait years to drink like bourbon and it is high proof and it will get you drunk. It’s like a lot of things if you drink it regularly your taste buds adjust to it somewhat and it becomes more palatable although that is probably all mental. Probably why more moonshiners are making fruit/flavor infused ‘shine to meet wants of the buyer, even though it may go against their personal views that all ‘shine should be corn whiskey no flavors. Even Tim has put a cinnamon flavor Climax on the market as it was revealed on the show on Dec. 6th.

    1. You’re an idiot. Good moonshine tastes better than anything aged in a barrel and sold commercially. I’m not saying climax is good, but you’re totally wrong about corn liquor. The first time I tried it I wondered why every liquor I had ever drank before (which is a hell of a lot) is so much more unpleasant and foul tasting than good corn liquor.

  7. I just tried some Climax, and besides the name, I liked it. I am a fan of shines and white whiskeys, and I thought it was very smooth and not too sweet. A lot of the ‘moonshines’ are way too sweet, but this one is very good. Enjoying some as I post this. Grain neutrals are usually too harsh for sippin, but this white whiskey hits the spot.

  8. Have drank many alabama moonshines , but never like Tim smith’s I have to congratulate him an his recipe . It’ s really good an mild to the pallet. I m a fan!!

    1. I am also a big fan of Alabama shine. I used to run a loading dock at a trucking company and every week this driver would bring me a jar of his grand daddy’s shine. Best shine I have ever drank. Climax tastes really close to grand daddy’s stuff. SHINE ON

  9. I tried some in a hotel bar in Maryland last night. I kind of liked it! It was smoother than I expected it to be. I’ll probably pick up a bottle just to have around.

  10. I thought it sucked. I gave it to my daughters boyfriend and he shared it with his college buddies and they even hated it and they drink anything.

  11. I just bought a bottle of Tim Smith’s climax moonshine and it was easier to swollow than any shine I have ever swallowed even Arkansas charred shine.

  12. Just drank half a bottle of this stuff and was alot like tequila, I even sh!t myself just like I normally do when I drink tequila.

  13. This isn’t his old recipe from before he went legal . His old recipe was sugar, corn and yeast . He was a cash moonshiner . His way is to make as much as he can as fast as he can . I was given a partial bottle left over from a friend who didn’t like it. It didn’t taste too good . I’m wondering if he even makes it . According to Belmont farms website they state it is “bottled at Belmont farms” . My perception of that is that it’s trucked in from a mass produced industrial alcohol plant then either tempered or mix some of Chuck Miller’s moonshine in with it then label it . It could possibly be Chuck Miller’s re-labeled.

  14. Very disappointed. Tastes like cheap tequila and smells even worse. I can’t believe somebody would put their face on a bottle of this stuff.

  15. I was extremely disappointed. I have had non commerical moonshine that was hot but much better. There is a weird funky back taste. I ended up using what I did drink for cooking. Made me thirsty for my Maker’s Mark, so I bought their biggest bottle and split it with my son. Sorry Tim, you are a cool guy, but something taste off with your shine.

  16. This stuff is just disgusting. I thought that maybe it went bad in my sons hot car.
    I contacted the company and asked if it could have gone bad from the heat but I never got a response. Not much of a customer service department if they do not respond to customers. I guess these hillbillies just can’t read.

    1. Or maybe they’re smart enough not to engage an idiot! Lmao. What do they gain from it? Nada. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. ZERO. They don’t gain anything from it. Especially if you were being hostile in the email. What’s the point in answering? So you can continue to be hostile?

  17. I have drank all of tim smith products from the regular shine, the fire 32, and the wood fired whiskey I have to admit I liked them all!!! But most of all I really enjoy the whiskey I have drank may kinda of whiskey and I think tims has got to be the best and smoothest I have ever tried needs no mixer just drink right from the bottle or pour a glass!! It’s perfect

  18. I loved the show and looked forward to watching it. Tasting Tim’s Moonshine became an obsession. It took awhile before I found it locally, got home and eagerly opened it.

    I don’t know which I was more disappointed in: the moonshine or the dog when he took a dump in front of my bathroom door.

    It’s back to Ole Smoky for me…..

  19. Tried to get an answer again. Still nothing, can’t even find a phone number so I can call.
    I was willing to try it again on the outside chance it did go bad in the hot car but not now. The outfit is a joke!!!!!

  20. Would be easier to drink piss! Thanks for nothing! This shit sux! I like Tim & the show, but the stuff is not worth your time or money. Was let down bigtime.

  21. I just ordered a bottle of all 3 type last week and will receive tomorrow.

    I love the show and am hoping I’ll love the taste. I’ve drank a little of everything over my lifetime except shine. I’m definitely not a whisky/Bourbon/Scotch connoisseur or any kind of a tasting snob so I’ll report back a laymans grade.

      1. I got all 3 flavors of the Tim Smith shine & whiskey.
        On first taste of the shine I can see why some people don’t like it as it’s pretty much pure grain alcohol diluted so it should taste somewhat like diluted everclear which it does.
        Once you know what to expect you can appreciate the smoothness and subtle flavor. I think most people will enjoy this most as a mixer like vodka.
        The wood fired whisky which is based on the shine has a nice color and is a smooth tasting whiskey. This is easier on the palette to drink straight and is a nice whisky.
        I haven’t tried the cinniman shine yet.

        So once you actually think about what you’re buying it’s good and I don’t regret the purchase. I love the show and I’m glad I can help support them, but I’d like to taste a fruit flavored shine as well.

  22. Was excited to try but disappointed. Was like drinking cheap tequila from a soggy cereal box. Even when mixed, the wet cardboard taste shines through.

  23. Folks – you try and compare this to some barrel aged alcohol. its white whiskey made in a pot still and then bottled. You need to appreciate the fine grain taste distilled into this product. If you have never tasted white dog or any other clear mash alcohol then trying to compare it and call it cheap tequila makes me wonder what your thinking. The fireball cinnamon is a real nice taste if you don’t like the clear climax. The one day aged wood whiskey is a smoother taste and maybe the least spectacular of them all. However, its not bad either.

    1. Hey Moose! Thanks for reading. We have had the chance to try quite a few White Dogs over the years and this one just didn’t hold up. The added sugar threw it off and the grain doesn’t come through quite as well as it does in other white whiskeys. Of course this is just subjective taste stuff here, so if you like it, then please drink up! It just wasn’t for us and that’s ok. Cheers!

  24. I got my father a bottle of the dark whiskey and he thoroughly enjoyed it. Maybe it’s preferred by the Southern palate.

    And Chris Keen, I’m sure if you were as arrogant in your email to Belmont Farms as you were on here , it makes sense why they didn’t respond. Your “hillbillies can’t read” comment was uncalled for. Have some respect.

  25. Folks, if you haven’t acclimated to white liquor then you can only compare to what you are used to.. my family made shine in N GA for decades and this stuff ain’t bad for being “legal” shine… it’s a green whiskey not aged… to some people if it don’t knock you on your tail immediately I ain’t shine… any old timer will tell you… you can’t drink like a shiner if you’ve never been one.. this stuff ain’t bad considering…

  26. To appreciate what you’re drinking, you need to know how to discern the flavor of corn whiskey, and the layers of rye and barely. If you are acustomed to drinking barrel aged bourbon or whiskey, your pallet is not used to shine and you likely can’t appreciate the skill it takes to produce a drinkable spirit that has not taken on the wood flavor and mellowing process afforded from barrel aging. For those of us that have produced our own, the flavor and texture of Climax is a testament to the skill of a true shiner that does not rely on sugar, syrups, fruit juices, low proof, or other gimmicks to cover the taste of a poor, harsh tasting product. Remember, this is a legal product that shows off what can be distilled on a relatively small scale, while retaining a great deal of backwoods flavor. I find Climax smooth, flavorful and easy to drink straight. I actually wish it was a bit “hotter” at 100-105 proof, with a tad bit more rye. I’ll keep a bottle on hand from now on to enjoy!

  27. I really liked the moonshine. Here in the Netherlands Climax is hard to get. I myself i am an JD fan. But I wanted to try Climax. And I must say I love it.

  28. I’m really stunned by these reviews. Either y’all got soft tastebuds or Mr. Smith shipped you a different product. I am very pleased with this shine. I smell Rye Bread and Popcorn, a bit of Caramel and Vanilla . Taste is Sweet Rye and Sourdough front and back no doubt influenced by the ingredients. I also have Corn, Vanilla and most of all a nutty flavor similar to Pistachios. A slight oily finish makes for a smooth drink. I wonder what complexities 2yrs in a oak cask would bring. The world may never know.

  29. Tim says “taste the corn, kind of a caramel taste”. Not!!! The best thing about it is the jug. Get plowed and bust it over somebodies head! It’s awful!

  30. I have tried several commercial moonshines. I feel Tim Smith’s is the best so far. I’m used to drinking Hungarian shine (Palinka). Climax is a favorite of mine.

  31. Had shine in western North Carolina , was rough harsh . Can drink this in shots with no chaser . Doesn’t make me choke. Taste the corn I like it . No ill affects at all nice

  32. Long time fans of the show, surprised when we finally found some of tim’s ‘shine.
    SO disappointing – smelled and tasted like old, moldy corn – just plain nasty. Is it possible, due to the varying reviews, that we got a bottle from a bad batch? I would like to think so.

  33. Dear Tim,

    We have you always followed on TV with moonshiners.
    Our American/English is not so good but we’re going to do our best.

    We live in Ostend, Belgium and we had quite like you Climax Moonshine want to taste/buy. Where and how do we obtain in Europe/Belgium.

    Friendly greetings from Ostend, Belgium ¨
    Michel and Vera and best wishes for the new year and Merry Christmas

  34. In a word – horrible. Tastes metallic, or with some sort of machine oil taste. Terribly disappointed after being a fan of the show for so long. Undrinkable.

  35. Lot of trolls commenting here. Same opening sentence on post 2 minutes apart? You need to check IP addresses if you’re going to allow 14 year olds to trash someone else’s hard work . These people need to get a life.

    1. Scott,

      Can you point to what comments you are talking about? We review each comment before it’s accepted and do a good job of rejecting any bots. I went through the comments and didn’t see any that match your description but I may have missed them.

  36. I thoroughly enjoyed this corn whiskey. You really can’t compare it to a barrel aged whiskey and it’s not made to compare, taste wise to, to them. Climax had a nice smooth finish and it is near the best white corn whiskey I have tried and I have sampled dozens of different moonshines over the last 30 years. Thank you Tim for making this available to the masses!

  37. Definitely different from my normal whiskey.
    On the first sip, very smooth, I most certainly tasted the rye in this, which was new to me. At first I didn’t like it, but after letting my palette clear, I began to appreciate the work that went into this. The finish does linger for a bit. I wouldn’t say I dislike it, but I agree with the score. I will try another bottle, but will not be my go when at the camp fire. Since I’m a chef I wouldn’t mind trying it with a good cut of elk or bear steak to see if the gameyness of the meat works with the shine.

  38. I just tried my first bottle of Climax Wood Fired Whiskey….it will also be my last. This stuff is horrible, VERY disappointed 😞

  39. The taste is different from the other moonshines I’ve tried. They all were good but Climax moonshine is superior to them all. I will buy it again–and again, and again. I suspect the negative reviews comparing it to tequila are made by folks who are not expecting it to be too different from barrel-aged whisky. My advice? Take another sip without any preconceived notions.

  40. Folks if u do not like the product just say it’s not for me . Some of the reviews are terrible . I do not see any of u all starting a business it’s takes guts and men like him and ho have courage.

    I never tried it and I will somewhere cannot get it in Ohio .

    God bless the young men who at least tried some merging in there life .

  41. I think these people are used to drinking too much Kool aid kiddie sweet drinks. I’ve been trying different drinks for 35years climax moonshine is close as you can get in the liquor store . I know it doesn’t last long In my house
    Thanks again Tim Smith keep me stocked in Tennessee 👍👍

  42. I think some of you guys was expecting it to taste like a 15 year old malt ,which it was never going to.

  43. Obviously a lot of negative comments from inexperienced whisky drinkers. My own ventures have included all of the aforementioned spirits and I find Climax to have a unique taste of it’s own with the sweet corn up front, (almost chewy), then the tangy rye on top, all followed by a lingering kind of chocolaty, licorice / anise???,,,something. This is not a thrown together brew…it is a well honed recipe that deserves another taste from all you naysayers!

  44. As a Virginia native and a longtime shine drinker , I must say all these boys in the hills laugh at this bottled piss water . Most would whoop somebody’s ass for selling this sorry stuff to them . Real shine doesn’t have this crappy tequila taste ,and goes down with a smooth burn ,with a belly warming effect , leaving a wonderful sweet corn and spring water aftertaste . This stuff would gag a billy goat .

  45. I tried a bottle about a year or so ago, had a wierd mettalic taste that I didn’t like. Settled on MN 13 shine from 11 Wells Distillery in the Twin Citys. Had about 1 bottle every 2-3 weeks, love the stuff. Fast forward to a couple weeks ago, the store by me stopped stocking my beloved MN13…so I thought id give Climax another try.
    MUCH BETTER than the first bottle. It was as good as my standby MN13 just with its own unique flavors.

    I am convinced the negative reviews here were from off/bad batches. I had a bad batch of MN13 too that was just awful. It happens.

    1. This makes sense. In the early stages he had massive demand and churned through multiple states and third party distilleries with different (and unfamiliar to him) equipment.

      It’s at least as smooth as any vodka I’ve found while retaining those distinct and sweet flavors.

  46. A couple co-workers recommended this moonshine to me, so I bought it on my birthday. It was awful, nothing like it was described to me. I gave the bottle to my co-workers and they couldn’t drink it either saying it tasted nothing like the bottles they had(and they had just polished off 6 bottles this month). So I hope I just got a bad batch and the Quality control is terrible where this is produced. Either way it was a terrible disappointment and waste of 38 bucks. Any recalls out on your product, cause there needs to be if its this inconsistent in taste?

  47. I just bought Climax moonshine for the first time to put the empty bottle on my wall and it I the most disgusting thing I have ever drank there’s no way that anyway that anyone would ever drink this if it wasn’t for the show!!!! It was a waist of my $30.83 , I would tell my friends to flush it rubbing alcohol tastes better!!!

  48. I just bought Climax moonshine for the first time to put the empty bottle on my wall and it I the most disgusting thing I have ever drank there’s no way that anyway that anyone would ever drink this if it wasn’t
    t for the show!!!! It was a waist of my $30.83 , I would tell my friends to flush it rubbing alcohol tastes better!!! This is the first time I’ve had climax and will be the last!!;

  49. I’ve never had any type of moonshine and I love this stuff I mix it with a little Coke I really like the sweet corn flavor I can’t wait to get my hands on some back woods shine anyways Tim love the show and love your shine

  50. I will take someone’s advice and just say “this stuff isn’t for me” oh hell, it tastes like shit. I never tasted shit, but it must taste just like this. If I have to keep drinking something to acquire a taste for it, it’s just not worth the money and time. If you can get through the first ten shots, it will taste better, maybe. What would it taste like coming back up?

  51. Just ordered my first bottle of the aged drink, im a 40yo regularish whisky drinker from the uk.
    It was expensive but after watching the program for years have to try it.

  52. I watch Mooshiners every Tuesday. I just love the taste of the shine. Sweet corn and rye, malted barley. But what i found thats a little better. Take a good swallow of shine get that good taste, and the give it A chase with some coke. I wished they sold by the gallon. It seems like go back and forth to get some more. Wished i could meet Tim and tell him good job.

  53. I’ve been shining for about 10 years, using a Turbo 500. Well I’ve tweaked the re-flux column to a point where I can produce a tasty, smooth drink. When I’m at the end of my run and “If” the temperature runs away ” too high “, I get an off tasting shine which resembles Tim Smith’s “Climax”. Perhaps I purchased one that slipped by QC.
    I was not at all impressed, in fact, I feel the product is inferior to most out there and I’ve had most. I got a whopping headache, indicative of “fore-shots” being left in during the run.
    Keep on doing the “Moonshiner’s” show and you’ll be successful, stop that and your business will die.
    This is an example of publicity ruling the market.

  54. I’ve had several types of shine being from the foothills of nc. Most of the posts are obviously from people who haven’t had bad shine or any shine. I’ve had both good and bad. Apple Brandy is my favorite. I have had better shine but there ain’t nothing wrong with Climax. The aftertaste is unique and hard to accomplish. That definitely makes it stand out to me. I was curious and anxious to try it. There’s no doubt it’s really shine. If you like fruity drinks that you can’t taste the liquor save you time and buy some apple juice or drink a bottle of cologne.

  55. I tried Climax moonshine for the fist time. I’ve watched the show and I watch Tim and Tickle take a sip after their run. They lip smack after a sip, “That’s good liquor.”

    So I figured, let’s give it a try. I’m not one for drinking whisky, but with a corn and sugar base, I was under the impression it would be sweet to the pallet.

    Unfortunately I was disappointed. I stuck my nose in the bottle first to see what it smelled like. Then I poured myself a small shot and took a sip.

    I hate to say it, but it was like I drank lacquer thinner.

    Sorry Tim.

  56. Unless you like rock gut liquor, don’t waste your money. All these good reviews must be from drunks who don’t care what they drink. I had a party and passed it around to see what they thought, and not one person liked it, even 2 professional drunks who will literally drink anything! It’s most definitely bottom shelf. Save time, money, your esophagus, and stomach, choose something else.

  57. I’m a huge fan of the Moonshiners show and I was intrigued to try moonshine for the first time. I wanted to experience what a good small batch authentic moonshine would taste like. Sadly, I didn’t like it. I drank it straight as a shot. Tried a few times. I have this silly ritual where I drink a shot of whiskey or something that I have around during the commercial breaks. I was really excited to drink the real deal. I’m not a huge drinker or any sort of whiskey snob. However, a few of the posts above resonated with me. First, the headache. I got a headache almost immediately. I thought it was smooth, but just had a real bad aftertaste I couldn’t get past. Granted it isn’t fair to compare an un-aged pot whiskey to a barrel aged burbon, maybe this is what moonshine is like? I don’t know. For comparison, I drank like 6 shots of Fenwick’s New Salem Single Barrel Rye Whiskey​ the other night. No headache, no hangover. Aged 12 months, probably not a fair comparison. So now I’m thinking about trying Sugarlands “Patti’s Wild Mayhaw” Moonshine.. should I expect more of the same?

  58. My wife and I bought this as we absolutely love the show and Tim Smith. We drink moonshine regularly. I love Mark Rogers Peach Shine and Tickles Cinnamon shine. We also go to Branson and love Smith Creek Clear Moonshine and Ole Smokey White Lightning. Unfortunately Climax tasted a lot like tequila for us and was missing the caramel notes we are used to in normal moonshine. Not the worst thing I have drank but definitely not that great either.

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